Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well I would like to say that I'm sorry for not writing for some time now. I had Two-a-Days for volleyball tryouts and games, then i got very sick and still am sick :( don't feel all that bad now cause I have drugs from the doctors :)
Well everything is going pretty good, I am missing Cody but we get letters weekly so it's not as bad :)
A couple sundays ago I gave a lesson for the ladies in the church and I can honestly say that I had fun doing it :) and I would like to thank the people that sent me thank you cards!! :)


Eric and Aubrey said...

I'm so bummed I missed your lesson! I heard it was great. EVERYTHING happened in July! Good luck with volleyball. I'm sure you'll do awesome. Keep feeling better!

DNAgallows said...

You did great! I was very impressed...not surprised at all! I can't wait to see some games!