Friday, August 29, 2008


well i'm ready for summer to come again. i'm alredy so tired from school and doing homework. NOT FUN AT ALL!!! other than that everything is going pretty good :)


heather said...

HAHA! Do I sense a little senioritis? Enjoy school now, and learn all that you can. The better prepared you are for college the easier it will be. Time passes quickly so enjoy it.

Claudia and Glenn Walker said...
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Vanessa said...

I agree with Heather. Enjoy it now because it will only get more intense! Do well now and get a scholarship-- that's the BEST idea :)

Claudia and Glenn Walker said...

Angie I haven't seen any bloogin lately. However I did see you with a dog two sundays ago. I hope to see pictures of your new adition.